The mouse materialises: more threads to the story

A little bit about the mouse

My paternal grandfather was an illustrator and I wrote this book shortly before he died. I wanted to be able to share the drawings with him and get his professional feedback. I also recorded a version that he could listen to. So Captain Nicholmouse has been an emotional journey for me, bringing together both skills and emotions.

The little mouse, though a character is his own right, has traits of both my grandfathers, one an artist and the other, a first world war pilot. He has smatterings of other people in there too, not least myself.

It’s fun to create something, enjoy it and then realise the influences that have formed your creative palette. Knitting the mouse has given me this further perspective, as I made him entirely from scraps. The icing on the cake was making the little leather jacket from an off cut that had belonged to my artist grandfather. He was younger than my flying WW1 grandfather and during WW2 was a pacifist and conscientious objector. Doing his bit though he took on the very dangerous role of a fire fighter in London. While waiting for calls to action at the fire station, he and the others would make leather goods to pass the time.

So there is a story in everything. You just have to look.

Captain Nicholmouse has literally materialised to share his yarns. So, here he is: made from scraps and brought to life.

Being a very modern mouse, you can also follow him on Twitter and Facebook
